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The long-awaited HUMAN 81 DK is now available.
Best viewed in "landscape" mode.

Replacement/repair part number ACC 004 E
$47.00 each

(see photos below)
(Illustrated easy installation guide)

The Genesis V-6, like many older speakers, has a serious weak link in its implementation - despite using excellent purpose-designed drivers:

This is a pair of examples from a vintage Genesis V-6, a wonderful speaker with an Achilles heel:

Original Genesis V-6 backplate assemblies

The ACC 004 E is a complete assembly I designed and developed to remedy all these issues.

It is a second order high pass filter with a "shelved" roll off. The tweeter is still crossed over at 1800 Hz, but it comes in more gently for its first octave or so.

It features a high quality, non-resonant 1/4" thick 5" by 6" MDF backplate, with a pair of gold-plated, color-coded five-way binding posts securely attached on standard 3/4" centers. These will easily accomodate up to 10 AWG wire in the hole through the posts, along with several other connection methods.

The crossover capacitors are high-quality film types with vanishingly low deviation from the ideal impedance curve, and the internal wires are color-coded 16 AWG oxygen-free copper with connectors that match the terminals on the drivers.

It comes complete with a built-in sealing gasket, mounting screws, and installation instructions. Also, here is a step-by-step pictorial showing how to install it.

And finally, some photos of the product:

New ACC 004 E backplate assemblies

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