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Last fall I blew out one of the short hoses that distribute fluid to the tilt/dump rams. I actually bought two like the one that blew, and a spare shorter one like the others. Which was smart, because as soon as I replaced the blown one, another gave out.

May, 2007: While elevating the front wheels with two pins and the dump rams to set up tensioning springs on the tire chains, the long line from the valve body to the dump ram manifold feed pipe blew out. Luckily the manual specifies what most of these hoses are, so I ordered one from a local auto parts store, which was delivered later that afternoon (they deliver parts to my neighbor's repair shop all day long).

Three days later, on a Saturday afternoon, the left side lift ram hose blew out with a nice "pop!" and a cloud of hydraulic fluid droplets. I wonder if I should start using biodegradable hydraulic fluid? I have to wait until Monday to order the replacement, but it went on easily enough.

I guess I am working this thing hard now that the chains give it traction!

This shows how it can lift its front tires:

The hose that blew shortly after this picture was taken is visible above the machines left "shoulder" joint, the one that curves up and then down again.